To Do - March

Warm areas - Zone 10

Lawn Care

Prepare the ground for new areas of lawn.

Trees, Shrubs & Vines

Plant trees and shrubs.
Prune lavender hedges after flowering.
Prune and shape hedges.
Prune deciduous flowering shrubs as soon as they finish flowering, before new growth commences.

Vegetable Gardening

Plant cauliflower and cabbage seedlings outdoors.
Plant broccoli seedlings outdoors.
Lay slug bait to protect young seedlings from slugs and snails.
Plant spinach seedlings.
Sow peas diectly into well prepared soil with added compost.

Hardiness zones explained

Mild areas - Zone 9

Lawn Care

Prepare the ground for new areas of lawn.

Trees, Shrubs & Vines

Plant trees and shrubs.
Prune lavender hedges after flowering.
Prune and shape hedges.
Prune wisterias after flowering.

Vegetable Gardening

Plant cauliflower and cabbage seedlings outdoors.
Plant broccoli seedlings outdoors.
Plant Brussels sprouts seedlings outdoors.
Lay slug bait to protect young seedlings from slugs and snails.
Plant spinach seedlings.

Hardiness zones explained

Cooler areas - Zone 8

Trees, Shrubs & Vines

Plant trees and shrubs.
Prune lavender hedges after flowering.

Vegetable Gardening

Plant broccoli seedlings outdoors.
Plant Brussels sprouts seedlings outdoors.
Lay slug bait to protect young seedlings from slugs and snails.

Hardiness zones explained
