In the Garden

Legionnaires' disease
Gardening is an enjoyable and healthy pastime. However each year a few gardeners contract legionnaires' disease. There are simple steps you can take to lessen the risk.
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Friends in focus
A fascination with birds, and photographing them, is an extra layer of delight in Jenny Oakley's Taranaki garden.
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More than a garden
At New Brighton Community Garden everyone is welcome, and many hands make great work. Briar Linn finds an urban oasis that keeps on giving.
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National Gardening Week 21 to 28 October
DREAM BIG IN SMALL GARDENS Forget the quarter acre section. With just a patio or small balcony, you can still have a thriving food and flower garden. This National Gardening Week, think about embracing your small space.
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Promoting green life and gardening
Our gardeners survey last month shone a spotlight on the priorities when it comes to promoting greenlife and gardening to would-be new gardeners. The response was overwhelming with 1241 participants, a staggering 13% of readers completed the survey. Our gratitude to all of you who took the time to reply and give your thoughts on this important topic. Thank you! For more detail on what our readers felt were the most important priorities,
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10 crops for Christmas
The arrival of spring is warmly welcomed. It's the perfect time to grab a spade and start growing vegetables for the new season. However caution should be exercised
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Beauty and abundance
Spring blossom, dappled shade, summer fruit, autumn colour and elegant form - the trees we know as Prunus have lots to offer.
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Container culture
When your outdoor space is tiny or temporary, container gardening is a great way to grow. Even for those with dirt to dig, planting a few edibles in pots makes good sense when it's cold and wet out there
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For the love of colour
There's no season like spring to inspire the gardener that's in all of us. Now's the time to create a flower garden that will bring out the artist in you
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Growing a fresh spring crunch
After a winter of hearty comfort food, the desire for something with crunch becomes more like a craving. Here's how to grow a non-stop supply of fresh salad greens.
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Growing azaleas and rhododendrons
Azaleas and Rhododendrons are versatile shrubs with dazzling displays of flowers from late winter to early summer, and a variety of foliage and growth forms.
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Inspired by nature - creating with flowers
Spring is all about colour. Whether it's filling pots with flowers that continue from now until next winter or planting something more permanent, getting creative with flowers is one of the great pleasures of the new season.
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Kids Go Gardening - berri-licious
Home grown strawberries always taste better and they will grow in the garden, pots, hanging baskets or to save space, a strawberry tower. Plant them now to be picking fruit in November.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow swan plants for Monarchs
Gardens are full of amazing creatures, some so small we have to look closely to see them. Others are big and so beautiful we can't miss them! Like the Monarch butterflies
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Kids Go Gardening - how to grow sunflowers
Plant a little seed now and watch it grow into a beautiful sunshine flower that's taller than you!
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Kids Go Gardening - how to sow your name in seed
Sow your name and eat it - in springtime it's time to get sowing and get growing! Loads of fantastic plants can be grown from seed
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Kids Go Gardening - make a buzz!
You can help essential pollinators by planting a bee friendly flower garden.
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Kids Go Gardening - peas in a pod
There's nothing like eating peas straight from the garden - just pop a pod open to find the sweet green peas inside. Grow your own delicious peas to pick and eat.
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Kids Go Gardening - sow seeds in pots
In spring the soil is damp after winter rain, the weather is getting warmer and we have months of long warm days to come. That makes spring the perfect time for seeds to burst into life!
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Life inside - success with houseplants
Connecting with nature doesn't just happen outside. More and more of us are discovering and rediscovering the simple joy of co-habiting with plants.
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More colour, less fuss
Nothing says spring like a garden full of flowers. Keeping up the colour right through spring, summer and autumn is easy to achieve with so many long flowering modern hybrids at our disposal.
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Nutrition on a shoestring
The very best food for health and well-being is the sort that grows in a garden. Food picked fresh from the garden contains the most nutrients and it's super convenient, saving time with fewer trips to the supermarket.
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On home ground
When you want to grow your own food but don't have a large garden, it comes down to getting the most out of the space you have.
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Pansy perfection
Pansies and their smaller viola cousins, have kept up with the times as favourites among flowers that are easy to grow and deliver premium colour on tougher and tougher plants.
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Plant swan plant seeds early
This time of year is a great time to sow swan plant or milkweed seeds. There is still enough heat to encourage germination and your plants will have a chance to reach a reasonable size before the cold weather slows them down.
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Playing favourites
Two flower loving horticulturists share some of the spring treasures they wouldn't want to be without in their own gardens.
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Ready set grow!
A beginner's guide to growing summer vegetables.
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Romantic AND robust roses, a winning combination!
Flower Carpet® roses and Showpiece™ roses have been specially bred to also be robust and easy-care, with superb disease resistance and drought tolerance. Roses that anyone can grow!
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Soft furnishings
The art of container gardening - as summer rolls in it's time to brighten outdoor living areas and there's no simpler way to create a welcoming alfresco sanctuary than filling some well placed pots with your favourite flowers and foliage.
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Soil builders
Beneath the garden lies a world of its own, a complex network of mineral particles (clay, silt and sand), air and water, and life! The more we nurture the workers that live in our soil, the better our gardens will grow.
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Spring in the vege patch
12 timely tasks and seed sowing tips to get the best in your vege patch
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Spring time is feeding time
Spring brings warmer longer days and nature literally springs into life. Sap is flowing, buds have burst and seedlings leap into growth. All this activity needs fuel to keep it going.
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Steps to a beautiful lawn
As cool green carpet to walk bare-foot in summer or a safe play space for kids and pets, there is nothing quite like a lawn to entice us out into the fresh air and connect with nature.
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Success with Seeds
Be cautious about planting seedlings too early into cold soil, but we can prepare the soil and get seedlings started in a sunny place indoors or under the protective cover of a greenhouse.
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Summer from seed
November is planting time for some favourite summer crops. Sarah O'Neil speaks from experience about sowing seed outdoors.
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The great garden salad
When we grow them at home, our salads are as organic and as fresh as we choose. Fresher than a shop bought 'garden salad' can ever be.
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The joy of roses
To pick a bunch of fragrant roses from your own garden is one of summer's greatest pleasures, the reward for any effort put in over winter.
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The taste of Summer - tomatoes
As far as Sarah O'Neil is concerned, summer only means one thing - Tomatoes
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Trees and shrubs for all seasons
Gardens are ever changing. They surprise and delight every day of the year. We need plants that look good all year round, but a garden that looks basically the same all year is a missed opportunity.
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Up close with aphids
If you grow vegetables, roses, dahlias, citrus, or other fruit trees you will have aphids in your garden. As soon as the weather warms and your plants flush into succulent spring growth, aphids are ready.
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Vintage flowers
Simple flowers that have graced our gardens for centuries owe their long standing popularity as much to their extraordinary functionality as their enduring beauty.
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A cucumber a day
Summer brings such simple pleasures - like taking a break on a hot day to munch on a fresh crunchy cucumber picked straight from the garden.
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A new lease on life!
Revive, reveamp, repurpose! When it's time to freshen up the home interior, there is great satisfaction in making the most of what we already have. Especially when stretching the budget also helps to minimise our impact on the planet.
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Battling against bugs
Summer's warm humid conditions are great for plants but also for their foes, both diseases and pests in all their forms.
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Be a sun smart gardener
Gardening is a healthy pursuit in so many ways, but it is also an outdoor pursuit. Sue Linn relates how she deals with her love of gardening and being safe in the sun
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Bulb time!
Autumn is planting time for flowering bulbs which light up the garden from earliest spring. We check in with a couple of experienced bulb growers for some timely tips and inspiration.
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Drought alert!
It's dry out there and your garden will be stressed. Here's 10 tips to help it get through.
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Favourite tomato recipes
Here's some tasty ways to enjoy this season's tomato crop - bruchetta, insalata caprese & and healthly homemade ketchup.
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A colourful garden that peaks in high summer is a magnet for beneficial insects and provides loads of flowers for picking. These free-flowering favourites deliver maximum satisfaction for minimal effort.
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Flower power!
20 ways to have fun with annuals.
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Fresh start
If winter has had you reaching for the comfort food, spring is the time to turn over a new leaf and plant a garden full of healthy, nutrient dense food.
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From the patio to the plate
Simply sow some seed in the comfort of a sheltered patio and watch them grow. In a month's time or less, you can be snipping them for dinner without even putting your gumboots on.
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Green screens
Whether you need to screen the neighbours or take the edge off a chilling wind, a leafy wall of native foliage is a very attractive solution.
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Home grown tomatoes
There is no denying the superior taste of a home grown tomato, and those who grow their own enjoy the most exciting smorgasbord of varieties.
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Let's talk tomatoes
Pearls of wisdom from experienced Kiwi gardeners
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Living art
When an evergreen shrub is sculpted into an interesting or architectural shape, it takes on the role of a garden statue, a focal point or accent amid the free flow forms of grasses or perennials.
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Generous, cheerful resilient marigolds are hardy characters who get going when the going gets tough.
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Neonicotinoid insecticides - discussion
The neonicotinoid group of insecticides have come under scrutiny recently because while not toxic to bees, they appear to cause problems with bee function.
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No nonsense roses
When it comes to roses, the heart so easily rules the head. But we can all enjoy the world's most romantic flower without pain or hard labour. Sue Linn takes a pragmatic look at roses.
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Non-stop crops - the art of succession planting
For those who love to grow what they eat, the season of plenty has arrived. October is a huge month for planting a huge range of vegetable crops. Almost anything can go in the ground in spring.
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Precious urban trees
Think twice! It doesn't take long to chop down a tree, but it takes decades to replace it.
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Pride of the patch
It's planting time for those warm-weather vegetables that will feed the family for six months or more.
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Safer & healthier gardening
Gardening is one of the most popular leisure activities in New Zealand. It lets people enjoy nature and grow their own produce. However, despite its quiet, healthy image, there are some risks involved in gardening. This simple safety guide is designed to help you reduce these risks and get even more enjoyment from your garden.
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Salad days
A salad picked fresh from the garden tastes better and is better for you. For beginner gardeners and those with limited space, green leafy salad vegetables are the way to go!
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Sow, grow, eat
Apart from the wonderful sense of satisfaction and potential to save money, growing vegetables from seed offers a broad choice of exciting varieties to grow and eat.
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Summer colour for butterflies
Load your garden with colourful plants to ensure you have a blazing display to attract as many butterflies as possible.
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Summer in bloom
These summer flowering perennials are a selection of easy care plants that fill a variety of garden situations.
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Survive and thrive!
As is right and proper in the excitement of spring, planting enthusiasm reaches heady heights and summer crops are well underway in gardens all round the country.
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Surviving summer
Early summer rain and warm temperatures see vegetable crops leaping into growth, but as summer progresses there will be hotter drier weather and expanding pest populations.
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Sweet sensation
Here comes summer and the joy of home grown tomatoes! These days there is a huge range of different varieties to try make growing tomatoes even more fun.
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Taking care of tomatoes
Keeping up with feeding and watering over the coming months will ensure bumper crops of delicious sun-ripened fruit right through till autumn
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Talking tomatoes
Tomatoes must be one of the most rewarding summer crops. Get the basics right and we can all grow a crop to be proud of. But it's always useful to talk to someone who's been doing it for years. Sue Linn talks to two experienced tomato enthusiasts.
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The benefits of beetroot
Highly nutritious beetroot is well worth growing. Naturopath Meryn Wakelin shines the light on this underrated root crop and shares a chocolate cake recipe with a twist
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The cook's garden
Fresh herbs picked fresh from the garden while you cook have the best flavour. Few plants give so much for so little.
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The sweet taste of Summer
Picture your summer vege garden bursting at the seams with colour, health and vitality. Picking armloads of fresh, sweet homegrown fruit and veges to feed family and friends is one of summer's greatest joys, but there's no time to waste if we're to make the most of the warm months ahead.
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The taste of summer
There is something about the strange smell the tomato plant gives off, the scent of anticipation. Soon there will be tomatoes ripening within the branches
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The world smiles in daisies
Simple sun-loving daisies are among the most prolific summer flowers. These easy-going, easy to grow plants provide lashings of colour and bees love them too.
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Tomatoes with Sarah
Sarah O'Neil reflects on the trials and tribulations of learning how to grow tomatoes
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Vine ripe
Growing tomatoes is a bit like fishing - everyone has a story. Talking to experienced gardeners is a great way to learn new tricks, but as all those stories indicate, there are lots of pathways to the perfect tomato.
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Zucchini pesto 'pasta'
If you can keep up with picking the best way to eat your zucchini is small and straight after harvest.
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A lawn to love
A long hot summer leaves most lawns looking worse for wear. It's time for some renovation that will soon have lawns looking loved again.
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Autumn is planting time
Warm soil and cooling air spell perfect growing conditions for almost everything in the garden. Make the most of mellow Autumn weather and get planting!
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Awesome Autumn
Autumn is a rewarding time in the vege garden with both harvesting and new planting to enjoy.
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Changing seasons
When the calendar turns to March, autumn has officially arrived and it's the exciting beginning of a brand new planting season.
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Chewy Chocolate Zucchini Slice
If you've a problem with too many zucchinis, larger ones can be grated to make a chocolate zucchini cake. Here's the recipe for Chewy Chocolate Zucchini Slice.
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Form and function
Autumn is planting time for the trees, shrubs and hedges that form the backbone of a garden and bring about the most comfortable and inviting of outdoor living spaces.
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Full of flavour
Easy-care feijoa trees produce bucket loads of healthy autumn and winter fruit - year after year.
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Future food forest
Imagine having fruit to pick from your garden 365 days of the year. With careful planning its more than possible, even in a town sized garden.
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Gardening with herbs
Home grown herbs provide a constantly available source of fresh culinary flavouring, which can be used with a wide variety of foods. They are also attractive plants for the garden and are easy to grow.
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Go for green - autumn lawn tips
A smooth, rich green lawn can lift the look of the entire garden and is a surefire way to increase the value of your property but after a long hot summer many lawns are far from green.
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Green space
Create a backyard that's both family friendly and eco-friendly.
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Harvest time
Autumn is the season to celebrate nature's abundance. Whether we grow our own or visit the market while prices are low, it's time to make the most of a profusion of fruit and vegetables that can sustain us through the winter months.
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Home harvest apples
From March to May apple trees are laden with ripening fruit. It's time to get planning and planting. Fruit trees arrive in garden centres in autumn and early winter.
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How to make sauerkraut
Man has been preparing and eating fermented foods for thousands of years and around the world today many cultures understand the great and varied health benefits of including fermented foods in their daily diet.
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Know thy enemy
Sue Linn wages war on a tiny terror - the tomato potato psyllid (TPP)
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Living walls
Beautiful hedges are key to year-round structure, dividing one garden room from the next and smartly defining the lines between lawns and garden beds.
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Love your lawn this autumn
A lovely lawn gives a feeling of peace and comfort. Autumn is a great time to give your lawn the love it deserves, and the very best time to create a lovely new lawn.
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Make pesto
Don't leave all that lovely basil for Jack Frost. Turn it into pesto for the freezer so you can enjoy the flavour all through winter in soups and snacks. Parsley, rocket and coriander also make great pesto. For an easy recipe
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Nature's planting time
With cool air and warm, rain-soaked soil that's easy to dig, autumn is a great time to be outside planting.
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Nature's planting time
For anyone who enjoys the creativity inherent in gardening, autumn is the season to relish. It's the ideal time to indulge in planting just about everything.
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Planting a winter garden
Getting seedlings in the ground early, while the soil is still warm enough for active growth, is the key to a productive winter vege patch.
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Reap what you sow!
Autumn in the vege garden - Summer's end brings no time for slacking, there's plenty to keep us busy in the autumn vege patch.
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Silverbeet - the humble hero
Silverbeet is versatile and easy. Sow or plant this healthy staple regularly and you'll never be without fresh greens to eat. Sue Linn tells us how
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Soul food
Autumn is planting time for the nutrient-dense vegetables that sustain us through winter and early spring.
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Spring bulbs A to Z
Get busy planting bulbs in autumn, so come spring, you'll have beautiful flowers to enjoy outdoors, and some more to pick.
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Spring in a pot
There is nothing like a flourish of flowering bulbs to celebrate the arrival of spring. Such beauty is easy to create, especially when you plant your bulbs in pots.
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Summer's bounty
Small steps towards a more productive garden.
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The sweet promise of spring
Take some little brown bulbs and plant them in some well-drained soil. In just a few months time nature's little brown parcels will morph into a magnificent bloom.
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Top tasks for autumn
Autumn is planting time for almost everything you could want to plant, but it is the very best time to sow new lawns and to plant trees, and the only time to plant spring flowering bulbs.
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9 reasons to plant roses
Who can resist a beautiful rose? Their sheer beauty is reason enough to plant more of them. But roses are functional too with something for every purpose. It's time to plant them now.
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A lemon a day
Winter is peak harvest time for citrus trees, so it's worth preserving a winter abundance for later use. Meryn Wakelin wouldn't waste a single lemon
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Above ground
Lifting a garden above ground level provides many benefits. From the plant's point of view, there is improved drainage and soil that warms up faster in spring. For the gardener, raised beds offer a more comfortable experience when planting, weeding and harvesting.
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Beat the chill
Whether you live in the subtropical north, the snowy south or somewhere in between, planting a garden with winter in mind can turn the chilly season into a time of great delight.
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Bold and beautiful
Late winter is planting time for two classic summer flowers. Both are excellent for picking. Dahlia tubers and gladioli corms arrive in garden centres in July and August.
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Brassica recipes
For anyone turned off brassicas in childhood, overcooking has got to be the number one culprit. A minute or two is all it takes to steam a sweet crunchy side dish.
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Bringing nature indoors
Along with the retro revival of all things mid-century, houseplants are making a big comeback in fashionable living spaces worldwide. This all bodes well for happy, healthy homes
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Citrus - winter's golden glow
A citrus tree in the garden is a beautiful thing, offering not only colourful fruit but fragrant blossoms too, and attractive foliage throughout the year.
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Cool colour in containers
When shorter days mean less time outside it makes sense to bring nature closer, making the most of potted plants in and around the home.
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Cool weather classics
If you want something that lasts longer than a bunch of cut flowers, you can't beat a beautiful flowering cyclamen for the cooler months of the year.
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Dream flowers
The world's most romantic bloom deserves a spot in every garden. Whether you want to grow a single variety for picking, or make them your main event, there is always a way to make room for roses.
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Fabulously fragrant
A perfumed garden is one of the great joys of spring time. These wonderful selections bred by renowned New Zealand plantsman Mark Jury will fill your spring spaces with enchanting flowers and intoxicating fragrance.
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Fast and fabulous
A beginners guide to hardy annuals. What costs less than a takeaway coffee but will brighten your days for six months or more? A takeaway punnet of flowering annuals!
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Feathered friends
Sitting quietly outdoors in a favourite spot is made extra special when wildlife comes visiting. During winter, birds usual supply of food from trees can be in short supply, so supplementary feeding is a great way to encourage them to stay around.
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Food for free
An initial investment in your garden and keeping on top of seasonal tasks can lead to many years of free food in abundance from your own back yard.
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Go nuts!
You may only have space for one kind of nut, but the good news is that nut trees give us more than just nuts. They also provide shade, shelter and beauty.
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Indoor styling with plants
Plants add instant style and grace to living spaces, both indoors and out. Indoor plant specialist, Miriam Manley of Welcome Bay offers some timely advice.
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Multi-talented camellias
They're like the roses of winter. There is no doubting the beauty of camellia flowers; their shapes, colours and perfumes. But in a world not short of spectacular blooms, camellias offer so much more
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Planning a backyard orchard
Fruit picked from your own backyard is the freshest and healthiest of all, saving money on groceries while providing convenient, safe and seasonal food.
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Precious vessels
Whether you want a colourful makeover or to grow your own food, container gardening makes sense on many levels, especially in winter.
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Pride of the patch
Cabbages can be grown 365 days of the year, but they are particularly rewarding in winter when the cooler temperatures turn them sweeter than ever.
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Super fruit
Late autumn and winter is planting time for a wide range of fruit trees and bushes, espcecially deciduous ones which are best planted while they're dormant. If you fancy boosting your backyard harvest, now is the time to get planting.
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Ten reasons to plant trees
On Arbor Day in June, New Zealanders are encouraged to plant and care for trees. Celebrate by getting involved in a community planting project or planting a tree of your own.
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The 3 P's for quick winter colour
Flowering annuals are especially valuable over the cooler months of the year, bringing cheerful colour when there are few other flowers around.
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The essential lemon tree
The trusty lemon fulfills all manner of culinary needs; from marinades to dressings, to lemonade for summer and hot soothing drinks for winter. And only lemon rivals chocolate in the most heavenly of desserts.
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The fruitful garden
A well planned and maintained fruit garden can be a fantastic asset, saving money spent on groceries while providing convenient, safe and healthy seasonal food.
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The Seven Dwarves
The joy of home grown fruit isn't just for big backyards thanks to today's dwarf fruit trees. When renting restricts us to gardening in moveable pots, dwarf fruit varieties tick that box too.
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Winter charm
Whether it's the view from your living room or a vase filled with flowers from your garden, winter is never dull when you plant some of these beauties.
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Winter rose care
Roses that are well cared for in winter will reward you with splendid blooms in spring and summer. Focus this season on the four 'P's, prepare, purchase, plant and prune.
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Winter warmers
10 active tasks to keep the blood flowing and the garden growing.
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A Daphne fit for a princess!
Daphne Perfume Princess™ is the earliest and longest flowering of all daphnes, with the largest flowers and, as a bonus, she's super easy to grow.
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Absolutely fabulous foliage plants
Pacific Coprosmas are extraordinary foliage plants with that rare mixture of presence, dependability and fabulous looks
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Berry delight
Beautiful perennial 'Berry Delight' nemesias are another exciting feature for the spring cottage garden, hanging baskets and pots. Those magical early spring blooms are now bigger and more fragrant than ever.
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Bite sized
We know it's good for them, but getting children excited about fresh fruit can be trying. One time-honoured approach is to think bite-sized portions for pint-sized people. These colourful mini fruits from Waimea Nurseries are child friendly, tasty and easy to grow, perfect for a family garden.
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Bright sparks
Contrasting textures of green on green is key to creating a fantastic all season garden. And adding a splash of variegated foliage is like turning the lights on, especially on dull winter days.
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Colourful Pacific™ Coprosmas
Pacific™ Coprosmas are easy care, colourful, year-round showstoppers and make perfect edging/hedging plants.
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Cool classic
A bit like the black dress, the 'white garden' has a crisp elegance that never goes out of fashion. Its quiet simplicity comes to life in shady areas and at night when the flowers shine out in the moonlight.
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Creating a buzz
Rich colours, special markings,and an extra long flowering season make Cha Cha Penstemons a top choice for both gardeners and bees!
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Dahlia Dreamy Series™
A new range of hardy dahlias on darkest foliage with lovely bronze flower buds in several vibrant colours. These are bred to stand up to the elements: The wild weather won't deter these summer beauties.
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Dark & tempting Tuxedo® Hydrangeas!
Tuxedo® hydrangeas stand out from all other hydrangeas with their lovely dark purple/black flushed leaves, which make anyone do a double take.
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Designing with flowers
If colour is your thing, or if you love to keep your vases full of flowers, modern breeding has delivered a plethora of plants that deliver bloom after bloom in the hottest months of year. Master the art of planting a garden that keeps on giving throughout summer and beyond.
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Whether home is an apartment, retirement unit or town house, Heuchera 'Cuties' fit perfectly into a smaller garden
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Easy on the eye
Flowering perfection in a rainbow of colours. New Alstromerias perfect for pots and the garden.
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Environmentally safe Agapanthus
Agapanthus are often looked on as a weedy plant but there are a new generation of agapanthus available that don't spread themselves around.
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Fabulous Five
Houseplants remain firmly on trend as a new generation of indoor gardeners adopt and nurture their plant pets. Expert house plant growers Gellerts tell us their top sellers, and how to keep them looking fabulous.
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Fabulous Flower Carpet™ Roses
Flower Carpet™ roses are easy to care for, disease resistant & drought tolerant. And these floriferous beauties are now available in 10 colours!
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Fairy Magnolias™ are magical!
Fairy Magnolias™ aren't like any other magnolia. They are bushy & evergreen. They cover themselves in a blanket of fragrant flowers in spring, and grow quickly & easily. This magical plant is available in three colours.
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Flax - Kiwi Icon
For the first New Zealanders it was indispensible; used in clothing, shelter, for catching and storing food, and as medicine. These days flax endures as one of our most important plants
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Hall of Fame
Beloved Flower Carpet® Pink rose, the original Flower Carpet rose, receives top honours from international rose community.
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Mini marvel
Stunning new release, Flower Carpet® rose Mini Cherry has petite cherry red blooms set on a low growing habit, ideal for edging pathways or flower borders.
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Nurturing nature
Bringing a gorgeous green baby home from the garden centre comes with certain trepidation. Initially the right amount of light, food and water will maintain that youthful vibrance. But sooner or later all container plants need repotting.
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Perfect partners
Gifting for gardeners in winter time isn't as hard as you might think. Beautiful hellebores work well as an indoor plant which can then be planted out in the garden. Teamed up with a stylish elho® pot, this is an environmentally friendly gift any gardener would treasure.
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Perfectly petunia
How do you like your petunias? Big and blousy or dainty and diminutive? Spreading and tumbling or chunky and upright? Striped, starred, multi-toned or plain? Bright brazen reds, pinks and . . .
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Planting for pollinators
Flower gardens are great for the planet's little champions. If you do just one thing this spring, plant a pollinator garden.
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Pride & passion - New Zealand Christmas trees
Nothing may compare to the pohutukawa or rata tree at your favourite holiday spot, but we can all enjoy a touch of that crimson splendour at home in the garden.
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Princess Lavenders
The very best of breeding is bringing the wow factor to outdoor living spaces and lavenders are extending the gardener's design palette with new colours and textures.
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Roll out the Red Carpet, it's SHOWTIME!
The world's favourite romantic bloom really puts on a show when the curtain rises to warm summer weather. Summer is the ultimate time of year for lovers of roses.
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Salvia Wishes
A lovely new range of uniquely coloured salvias is proof that wishes can come true
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Spectacular Showpiece™ Roses!
These fragrant, disease tolerant, easy care, large and floriferous Showpiece™ shrub roses are from the renowned breeder of the famous Flower Carpet® ground cover roses, and are available in 6 stunning colours: Blush, Berry, Lipstick, Champagne, Orange and new Tangerine.
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Summer garden design solutions
Summer's a great time of year to work on some garden design solutions like how to make your garden beds look a whole lot better
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Sun worshippers
Impatiens; they're a top choice for cheerful garden borders or adding bright pops of colour among shrubs and perennials. But they've always needed shade. That is, until SunPatiens came along!
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Ten ways to plant roses
Inspired to plant a rose? Don't hold back. Contrary to popular belief, roses are not difficult to grow and there are beautiful easy-care varieties to suit every situation.
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The power of purple
Eye-catching fruits, edible flowers and vegetables with colourful leaves come in very handy when making a garden that s as beautiful as it is productive. Plants with purple accents work especially well with greens.
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Tried and true Lavender
Easy care lavenders are among life's simplest pleasures and have stood the test of time as some of the most accommodating shrubs of all.
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Tropicanna® Cannas are a stand-out!
Tropicanna® cannas, available in 3 colours, stand out from the rest, with their astonishingly exotic foliage and magnificent blooms.
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Voodoo Magic
Floriferous Voodoo Verbenas are taking their place among summer's top flowers.
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Winning combinations
Successfully combining flowers and foliage is an art form that takes time and experimentation, even for the most practiced gardener. But happily, we can also depend on some classic combos that always come up trumps.
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Kids Go Gardening - plants that climb
Plants that climb are called vines. Some of them grow super-fast from a seed and will give you lots of fruit to eat or flowers to pick by the end of summer.
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Kids Go Gardening - air plant hanger
Sometimes it's just too wet and wintry to go outdoors, but there are lots of amazing plants we can grow indoors. How about making one of these cool AIR PLANT hangers for your room?
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Kids Go Gardening - bug hotel
Build it and they will come! A bug hotel is an ideal insect habitat! It's a home for ladybirds and other beetles, tiny hover flies, parasitic wasps, predatory mites. Create your own piece of garden architecture!
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Kids Go Gardening - buried treasure!
Sprinkle some tiny carrots seeds on the soil. Wait for their feathery green leaves to sprout from the earth and watch them grow into the best carrots you've ever tasted!
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Kids Go Gardening - containers
Gardening is for everyone, even if you don't have a place for a garden in the ground! You can plant a garden wherever you want - even in a pair of old boots!
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Kids Go Gardening - desert dwellers
In the desert it's a long time between rains, and only the toughest survive. Succulents are the camels of the plant world. They store their own water in their leaves and stems, so they can thrive where other plants would die.
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Kids Go Gardening - earth works!
Dig a patch of soil and count the worms. How many can you find? Lots of earthworms is a sign of healthy soil.
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Kids Go Gardening - edible flowers
Some flowers are edible and can be eaten straight out of the garden or used as decorations. They're easy to grow too!
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Kids Go Gardening - flutterby butterfly
Planting a butterfly garden is easy and you'll be rewarded with the fluttering of butterflies all through the summer
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Kids Go Gardening - fun with flowers
Lucky for us, some flowers love winter. So wrap up warm and plant some pots with colours that will put a smile on your face every day.
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Kids Go Gardening - fun with herbs!
Herbs are fun and easy to grow in pots or in the garden. Squeeze their leaves and breathe in their awesome scents.
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Kids Go Gardening - garden art
Zoe Carter has perfected the art of creating beautiful mosaic stepping stones for her family's garden.
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Kids Go Gardening - gift crafts
With Christmas coming up, it's fun to make your own gifts. A gift for someone you love is all the more special if it's made by you. Here are three garden craft projects to keep you busy in the holidays.
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Kids Go Gardening - green machines
Every kid knows green leafy vegetables are SUPER good for us. But why? Because they contain loads of good things to keep bodies healthy.
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Kids Go Gardening - greenies
Autumn and spring are good times to sow a new lawn but any season is good to grow a quirky creature.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow a summer hideaway
On a hot summer afternoon it's good to stay cool in a shady place outside. What if you could grow your own shady hideaway from just a handful of seeds?
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Kids Go Gardening - grow an avocado
Next time you crack open a delicious avocado, save it's seed and have a go at growing your own little tree. All you need is a glass of water and some toothpicks.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow garlic
Plant some little cloves in winter and you will be harvesting your very own super crop in summer.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow giant pumpkins
Weird and wonderful! It is planting time for giant pumpkins - maybe the biggest pumpkin you ever grew!
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Kids Go Gardening - grow kumara
When it's too cold for planting outside, get busy indoors. Kumara (or 'sweet potatoes') are tropical plants which only grow outside when it's warm, but you can give them a head start by starting them off in a warm sunny room indoors.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow sweet corn
Sow it, grow it, eat it! Now the days are longer and the soil is warmer, grow the sweet (corn) taste of summer.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow your own potatoes
The most delicious potatoes of all are the ones you dig from your own garden! No dirt to dig? No worries, potatoes are easy to grow in containers!
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Kids Go Gardening - happy habitats
Growing flowers and building shelters is taking care of nature!
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Kids Go Gardening - hypertufa pots
Do you like making mud pies? With a bit of help from a grown up you can take it to another level and make your own fake rock "Hypertufa" pots.
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Kids Go Gardening - Kokedama, ball of fun!
It's mucky, it's creative, it's the latest craze and it's so much fun! Try making your very own Kokedama, a Japanese hanging string garden (or moss ball).
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Kids Go Gardening - leaf art
Be inspired by the colours of autumn leaves and create your own artworks.
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Kids Go Gardening - like magic!
Grow seedlings in little pots for planting outside later. It's a great way to start summer plants like tomatoes and cucumbers which need to be kept warm until the weather is warm enough.
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Kids Go Gardening - make a bug hotel
Do you love hunting for bugs? Creepy crawlies are fun to find and are good for your garden too. Give them somewhere to live and you'll be fascinated by what visitors come and stay.
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Kids Go Gardening - make a mini Hobbit hole
If you have watched The Hobbit movie you will know that Hobbits live in underground houses called hobbit holes. You can make a mini one. It's fun and its easy.
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Kids Go Gardening - painting pots
Autumn is a great time to plant flowers, herbs and veges in pots. Decorating your pot into a work of art will brighten up your garden, so go potty!
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Kids Go Gardening - plant a bite sized treat
Here comes summer! It's time to plant tomatoes! Cherry tomatoes make a sweet colourful snack, just the right size for your lunchbox. Grow your own and taste the sunshine in them!
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Kids Go Gardening - seed magic!
A little tree grows up and one day it starts flowering. Along come the bees to pollinate the beautiful scented flowers and then those flowers grow into fruit. Inside the fruit are seeds which, if they get lucky, get to grow into trees.
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Kids Go Gardening - seed sowing
Autumn is nature's time for seeds. When flowers finish blooming they leave behind their treasure.
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Kids Go Gardening - space food!
Imagine if you went to Mars or the Moon in a spaceship. What would you eat to stay healthy? Astronauts are discovering all sorts of ways to grow food so they don't have to go without fresh leafy greens in outer space.
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Kids Go Gardening - spring flowering bulbs
Everyone loves daffodils and tulips. But if you want to have them in your garden you have to plant them in autumn.
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Kids Go Gardening - terrariums
When the days are shorter there's less time to play outdoors winter is a good time to bring a bit of nature indoors! Grow your own houseplants or take it a step further create a magical terrarium!
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Kids Go Gardening - wildflowers
Nature works in so many wonderful ways, but sometimes she needs a helping hand, yours will do!
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Kids Go Gardening - wind chimes
How about adding some music to your garden with hanging wind chimes? Get creative and design your own!
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Kids Go Gardening Autumn
It's school holiday time so get the kids creating with the latest issue of the Kids Go Gardening mini magazine.
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A healthy obsession
Sue Linn visits self-confessed gardening junkie, Liz Clark in her thriving city garden.
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A life in plants
Landscape designer, florist and gardener Jules Moore chats with Sarah Thornton about her love of all things botanical.
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A Taranaki treasure
Cleo Wood meets industrious Taranaki gardener Mary Dickson, as she prepares to open her garden to thousands of festival visitors for the twenty fifth time!
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A Taupo treasure
Sue Linn visits a garden in Taupo designed for all seasons
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Alison's flower farm
When eco-florist Alison Watts needed a reliable supply of fresh seasonal flowers, she decided to grow her own. Sue Linn meets a green-fingered mum growing her love of nature into a flourishing backyard business.
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Creating spaces
Val Puxty says it's important to be guided by instinct, not necessarily by logic or what a textbook tells you. The Auckland designer, came to garden design via her life-long love of plants.
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Dream house
What could be better, on a wintery day, than a warm light-filled space to go and hang out with your plants? Sue Linn finds a greenhouse with the x-factor.
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Dream job
Keeping the fantasy alive at one of our most popular tourist attractions involves a team of dedicated horticulturists. Sue Linn meets the gardeners at Hobbiton Movie Set.
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Evolution of a gardener
As we adapt our gardening to a changing climate, our plants may be our greatest teachers. In North Canterbury Jenny Cooper has been rethinking some long-held conventions, with stunning results.
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Force of nature
Fortitude and vision are traits that come in handy when landscaping on exposed coastal sites. Sue Linn meets the creator of a dynamic seaside garden.
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Gardens of Eden
What drives today's young gardeners? Sue Linn chats to millennial gardener, Eden Saccente over a cup of homemade herbal tea in her plant-filled Wellington flat.
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His and hers
Taranaki couple, Steve and Jo Linn, had no trouble finding the perfect venue for their recent wedding. Their own garden was the obvious choice.
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Ideas to steal
Inspiration from Bronwyn and Neil Towersey's spring garden
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Labour of love
When this young family went shopping for a new home it was all about the garden. Sue Linn visits a tranquil outdoors lovingly created for family life.
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Living well by design
Deliberately designing her lifestyle to reduce her carbon footprint has been a hugely rewarding experience for Auckland gardener Jenny Marshall.
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On the menu
In the Covid vege patch it's time to be rather grateful for the foresight of autumn planting and to plan for what you'll want to eat in November and December. In Debbie's rural Auckland garden, 'epic fails' lead to solutions.
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Raw delight
Naturopath Meryn Wakelin explains how eating raw plant food has remarkable consequences to our health and wellbeing
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Shades of green
When Bron chooses plants for her garden, flowers are the last thing on her mind. Her colour palette is restricted to shades of green. For this budding garden designer, its all about shape.
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Southern charm
Sue Linn visits Dunedin's Larnach Castle on the windswept Otago Peninsular, and talks to head gardener Fiona Eadie.
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The plantsman
Making a career out of what we love to do is something many of us wonder about but never quite get around to. Sue Linn meets a gardener who made the mid career leap and has never looked back.
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The power of two
A garden is all the more rewarding when it's a passion shared. Sue Linn visits a dedicated team of two in their astonishing Tauranga haven.
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Through the seasons
A treasure trove for plant lovers lies in one of Taranaki's most cherished gardens. Sue Linn visits Riverlea.
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Treading lightly
Sue Linn visits a Katikati gardener with a passion for permaculture.
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Whimsical wonderland
Sue Linn visits a colourful funfilled garden that is enjoyed by visitors of all ages.
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Within limits
So often in gardening, as with other art forms, constraint begets creativity. Add a good measure of horticultural prowess and the results can be astounding, as Sue Linn finds in a beautiful Central Otago garden.
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Working with nature
Build a garden for birds and they will come. Sue Linn visits a Taupo garden designed for all senses.
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Good, green giving
A garden centre is just the place to escape the stress of Christmas shopping with a healthy refreshing environment that calms frazzled minds, and where there is a gift for just about anyone.
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Jewels for the Christmas feast
Meryn Wakelin celebrates the best of Christmas fare - freshly harvested vegetables from the early summer garden.
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Living gifts
Ten ideas for a greener Christmas
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12 time savers for gardeners
A garden is a place to relax and unwind. If yours sometimes feels more like a chore, here are twelve ways you can make your garden less time consuming.
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Adding value
Sarah Thornton investigates the the hidden fortune in our backyards
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Book - Garden Pest & Disease Control
With fewer options on the garden centre shelves for controlling pests and diseases, this book provides solutions for the home gardener by focusing on 'integrated control' using all the tools available.
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Building a garden - layer upon layer
The dramatic effects of planting in layers - how to plan and plant a garden using the layered approach
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Good for you carbs
The high energy foods we can grow in our gardens are by far the best kind of carbs. Meryn Wakelin explains why.
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Improving the root zone
Whether you have poor sandy soil, heavy clay or a lifeless patch of compacted over-cultivated ground, there is plenty you can do to improve it over time.
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Nature's way to a better world
Coming up with a workable composting system that fits your lifestyle will greatly reduce food waste and build better soil.
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Pest watch
Slugs and snails must the most despicable garden pests. Sarah O'Neil considers her options.
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The good bugs
Gardeners are increasingly looking for ways to grow healthy productive gardens while taking care of nature. Sue Linn gets up close and personal with bugs.
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The room outside
A space to relax and refuel with the ones we love, the room outdoors is a valuable extension of home.
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Wild bird wellness
As winter sets in, trees and shrubs go dormant for the season, biding their time until spring arrives. That means a reduction of food sources like nectar, berries and insects for our wild bird friends.
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Beat the heat!
As each summer seems to sizzle hotter and drier than the last, gardeners are feeling the effects of climate change, and the need to make adjustments in the garden.
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Beauty and the beasts
Despite being banned from sale for decades now, our most noxious weeds, once gardeners' treasures, remain rampant in nature and in our gardens.
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Celebrate Arbour Day & World Environment Day
Arbor Day marks the beginning of the planting season and a time to celebrate the unique biodiversity of our country. Arbor Day is about inspiring people to plant and celebrate trees.
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Cool cities are green cities
Around the globe cities are getting more crowded, noisier and hotter. Climate change is adding to that heat, placing pressure on human health, urban amenity spaces, productivity and infrastructure.
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Every precious drop
Water scarcity over summer seems ever more challenging for gardeners. In a changing climate, the need to save water is increasingly front of mind.
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Food space
Greenlife matters because plants are what we eat to survive; green space matters because we need it to grow crops
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Forget air con - plant more trees!
As spring heats up and we head into summer more and more air conditioners will be turned on, sucking through electricity. But are we missing an obvious leafy solution? Plants and trees provide shade and act as natural air conditioners.
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Friend or foe?
Beautifying fences and walls, creating shade and privacy, or carpeting the ground around trees and shrubs - plants that clamber and crawl are some of our most useful and attractive. Sadly, they also count among our most invasive environmental weeds.
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Gardening for mental health
For people with mental health issues darkness and cold can be triggers for depression, but they need not be.
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Gardening for physical health
It's common knowledge that gardening is good for you, and not just because of the obvious fresher, better tasting fruits and vegetables to eat. In terms of physical activity, gardening is a winner too!
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Gardens in the sky
Green roofs provide a host of advantages for city living and are becoming increasingly popular across the world.
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Greener giving
As Christmas shopping time rolls round again, concern for planet Earth is to the fore. Do we really want contribute to landfill with unwanted gifts? Most of us will have been guilty of imprudent, impulse purchasing in the mad dash before the big day, but even last minute gift giving doesn't have to be bad for the planet.
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Greening the gray
Using roundabouts and traffic islands as garden oases
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Hamilton Gardens - pride of place
On the banks of the Waikato River a world-renowned garden has proudly etched a place for its city on the international tourist map. Sue Linn takes a peek behind the scenes at Hamilton Gardens.
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How to start a community garden
We all know gardening is good for us and we need more green spaces. There are numerous benefits afforded by community gardens, including fresh food and social enhancement. Here's some advice on how to start one.
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How tree planting prevents erosion
Plants and trees need land to grow on and the constantly changing climate is providing a number of challenges including erosion.
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How's your plant/life balance?
Billions of dollars are spent each year searching for instant miracle cures to our environmental problems. So what can we do to help?
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Let the children play - OUTSIDE!
Nature Deficit Disorder is affecting our children. Research shows that a lack of playing outside in parks and green spaces is contributing to various physical and mental health issues!
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Make room for trees
An aerial view of our cities reveals a sad trend in the way the suburbs are developing without the enhancement of trees and green spaces
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Reduce your footprint - plant your backyard
We often hear about the need to reduce our carbon footprint and be green. But how can we, as individuals, do our part to help? Thinking about your plant selection and surrounding habitat, recycling, composting and conserving water all help.
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Riparian planting saving our streams
The classic Kiwi holiday often involves swimming in streams, a spot of fishing and enjoying the beautiful outlook of streams shaded by native plants and seemingly endless green landscapes. But our streams, as we know them, are at threat, so it's time to get planting
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Storm water mitigation
Floods are more commonplace than they once were for a number of reasons, but there are steps we can take to minimise the damage
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Street trees - why we need more!
Why should you care about whether there are trees on your street, or on the streets nearby? Well, besides the obvious - that they make a street look more attractive - street trees are proven to provide numerous benefits to residents in terms of property values & more
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The Garden Effect
Yes its official, all the time and effort involved in keeping your garden looking good pays dividends! Simply put, houses with good gardens sell quicker, for a better price. The estimated effect on price being +16%, with three times payback on money invested!
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The nature garden
Plant trees and shrubs that provide food and lodgings for birds so you can enjoy them in your garden.
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The power of sharing
During the first lockdown in March 2020, a new community-led project took root in the Bay of Plenty. A year and a half down the track, the Grow On Katikati project is gathering momentum, unexpectedly spurred on by another lockdown.
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The value of trees for shelter and shade
Protection from the extremes of weather is a primary need for humans and for animals and plants. Constant exposure to strong wind and sun is detrimental to the health and well-being of people, stock and crops.
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Trees for urban spaces
Long lived, climate tolerant trees and shrubs are key ingredients in a resilient, hardwearing garden that looks great all year round.
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Up the wall
Vertical gardens add to the beauty of our urban areas. And the equipment and knowledge of how to make them is available be they multi-storey vertical gardens or smaller domestic green walls. Liz Light talks to the experts.
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