How To

20 seed sowing tips
Growing plants from seed for food or flowers is easy to do, is hugely satisfying and can save money too!
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Build & improve your soil
Great soil is a gardener's best friend. Hidden below ground level, it's too often forgotten, until you wonder why your plants are failing to thrive! The answer lies in organic matter
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Create beautiful hanging baskets
Jenny & Guy Oakley's garden is one of Taranaki's finest and a highlight of the Taranaki Garden Festival. Jenny's glorious baskets, suspended from trees and pergolas, are complete works of art in themselves.
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Grow beautiful tomatoes
To grow beautiful tomatoes you will need - warm sunny weather, good clean soil (or planting mix), seeds or seedlings, stakes, tomato food and water
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Grow blueberries
Blueberries are easy to grow anywhere in the country, depending on the variety, and can provide masses of tasty health-giving fruit between December and April
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Grow broccoli
Spring and autumn are the seasons to be planting the queen of the brassicas, broccoli.
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Grow cabbage
Eating lots of cabbage - and other brassicas, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cavolo nero, kale and Chinese greens - helps keep us 'regular' and reduces our risk of cancer.
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Grow crops in pots
Who doesn't love the idea of eating fresh homegrown fruit and vegetables every day? Anyone can make it happen, even when there's no dirt to dig. If your outdoors is tiny or temporary (or if the prospect of digging is putting you off getting started) growing crops in pots is the way to go, especially in winter.
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Grow easy salads from seed
Leafy greens are among the healthiest foods we could eat. They are also the easiest food to grow.
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Grow greens to go
Eat Your Greens! Here we explore the delights of growing a constant supply of fresh healthy greens to feed the family - 365 days of the year.
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Grow parsnips
Growing perfect parsnips is all about preparation, precision and patience. Sue Linn learns some time-honoured tricks.
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Grow potatoes
As rising food prices and the desire to eat healthier food have many of us turning back to the vege patch, the humble but highly nutritious potato is one of the easiest crops we can grow.
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Grow pumpkins
Pumpkin is a 'super food', rich in life enhancing nutrients, particularly potassium. Growing pumpkins takes more space than most vegetables, but if you have the space, it's straightforward and very satisfying.
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Grow under cover
Spot a backyard greenhouse and you could be forgiven for imagining a resident 'expert' or 'plant-nut'. But these days, greenhouses aren't just for diehard gardeners. They're for anybody - from novice to expert - whatever the climate.
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How to create "Greener Pastures"
Spring on its own is a tonic for lawns. Rising temperatures and spring rains encourage lush green growth. But there is more to lasting good looks than keeping up with mowing.
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Make a summer berry barrel
Summer berries can be grown even if you are short on space. This project turns a half barrel or large pot into a portable 'berry patch' featuring three of your favourite climbing berries.
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Potatoes - an early crop
A sunny patch of soil, a tub, a bucket or a sack is all you need to grow a satisfying crop of potatoes to harvest in time for Christmas. Planted in mid-winter, they may be ready to eat as early as October or November.
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Small space gardening
How to grow more taste in less space
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Battle the bugs
As summer warms up, bugs get busy. Protecting our plants is a multi-pronged approach, and in the battle against bugs, it's best to act before the damage is done. Awareness and early intervention are key if we are to stay on top of pest populations.
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Care for tomatoes
At planting time, sturdy young tomato plants show no sign of trouble ahead but wise gardeners are on watch.
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Create easy baskets
Hanging baskets are a joy to plant and bring colour to eye level. Planted properly they'll keep on blooming right though summer and autumn
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Easy to grow summer berries
Luscious berries are for many a luxury purchased at the supermarket, but growing berries in your own garden is easier than you think. No matter what size your property, there is a berry option for you to grow your own.
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Grow beans
There are all sorts of beans, both annual (a one season life span) and perennial (lasting many seasons).
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Grow capsicums and chillies
Early summer is the time to plant sweet peppers and hot peppers. They're fun to grow with so many different colours, shapes and sizes to choose from.
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Grow hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are popular and hardy, blooming through summer and autumn, in shades of white, green, pink, red, purple, mauve and blue. They can be short and tall, and some are climbers.
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Grow sweet corn
The sweetest corn of all is the one picked from your own garden. November is the best time to plant corn.
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How to grow cucurbits
Cucurbits include cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, watermelon and rockmelon. These plants enjoy similar growing conditions and are easy to grow and highly productive in the home garden.
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Plant a wall of fruit
How to have it all when your outdoors is only small!
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Raise Monarchs as easy as ABC
Growing swan plants to have Monarch butterflies in the garden has become a favourite past-time for many gardeners. The Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust provide some tips.
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Save water
Sally Brown from Blueskin Nurseries in Dunedin has some tips to save water in light of the weather extremes New Zealand is experiencing.
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Summer fruit
Plant a range of fruiting plants to keep the family fruit bowl full all summer
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Brassica massacre
Most of us happily shrug off the odd hole in a home grown cabbage leaf, but serving poached caterpillars with the broccoli gets beyond a joke! White butterfly and the smaller diamond back moth are two major pests of brassica crops in warmer months.
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Grow feijoas
Feijoas thrive in New Zealand gardens. Find out how easy it is to produce bumper winter crops in your own garden, and which varieties might be right for you & we've a muffin recipe too!
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Grow hearty winter vegetables
The key to successful winter harvests is early autumn planting so young plants can make the most of the soils warmth to get growth well established before winter cold sets in.
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Grow root vegetables
Once you've sampled the earthy sweetness of carrots and parsnips from your own garden, the shop bought ones may never taste the same.
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Grow spring bulbs in pots
Autumn is bulb planting time. We have a good three months (more in the north), to get them planted, but for the pick of the season's best, it's best to buy early in the season.
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Grow your own groceries
With escalating prices and shortages at the supermarkets, there is no better time to get started on planting fruit trees and bushes for your own home-grown groceries.
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How to grow a 'green manure' crop
At the end of summer, if you have nothing planned for your vege space, sow a green manure crop.
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Make me green
By the end of summer most lawns need some love. And autumn is the perfect time to make the switch from parched and patchy to smooth and green.
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Sow simple!
Today's modern, easy-to-grow lawn seed, specially blended to suit specific situations and uses, means growing a new lawn from seed has never been quicker or easier. Enjoy the satisfaction that comes from creating your own smooth patch of green lawn!
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A beginners guide to growing beautiful roses
There are no secrets behind growing the worlds most loved flowers. Think sunshine and good soil at planting time, then follow the basics and your roses will reward you with their most beautiful best.
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Grow your own super food. Blueberries are very high in antioxidants and vitamins.
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Care for roses in winter
Six months from now, roses will be charming us with their beauty and fragrance. They'll be all the more intoxicating if we pamper them a little over the next few months
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Dahlia delight
Generous dahlias bloom for many months. Their vibrant blooms are adored for picking and as perennial plants, they grow back year after year.
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Dressed to impress - how to grow lilies
Lovely lilies are easier to grow than their extraordinary good looks might suggest.
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Espalier fruit trees
Popular in the Middle Ages, the art of Espaliering could be the answer for urban would-be orchardists with ever smaller back yards.
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Garden in winter
The last summer's crops have been picked and the veges we planted in autumn are looking good. Much of the garden will soon be sleeping but that doesn't mean we have to hibernate indoors
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Grow citrus
No wonder citrus trees are so popular. With their cheerful winter colour, delicious health-giving fruit, glossy evergreen leaves, fragrant blossoms, a lovely shape and not too large. What more could we want from a tree?
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Grow citrus in pots
With a bit of care and the right approach, you can successfully grow fruit trees in pots. Citrus trees make very appealing container subjects and they have been grown this way for centuries.
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Grow daphne
A single sprig of daphne can fill a room with perfume. Such powerful fragrance on a small evergreen shrub is especially precious in mid winter!
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Grow early veges and strawberries
The most delicious vegetables of all are those whose season is short. And the shorter the delay from garden to plate, the more divine they will taste - which means there's no better way than growing your own. It's time to plant now!
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Grow espaliered fruit trees
Growing fruit trees flat against a wall or along a wire is a great way to grow a lot of fruit in a small space
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Grow more fruit in less space
Finding smart ways to grow fruit in limited space is nothing new and with today's exciting choice of fruiting plant varieties, creating a backyard food forest has never been so much fun.
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Grow new plants from cuttings
One of the great advantages of growing new plants from cuttings is that they will be exact replicas of the parent plant from which they were taken, and Autumn is a good time to start.
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Grow peas
Peas are favourite winter grown crops and especially fun for kids who are usually delighted to discover that peas actually come from little green packages call pods, not just frozen in plastic bags.
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Grow poppies
Cold hardy poppies are some of the prettiest flowers of winter and spring. In mild climates they are ideally sown in autumn. In coldest climates they are best sown in spring to avoid heavy frosts
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Grow silverbeet
Humble hero - the virtues of a great kiwi standby.
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Grow stone fruit
Winter is action time for summer fruiting trees.
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Grow your best ever roses
Getting the best from your roses starts at the beginning, with choosing the right varieties and planting them with the best possible care.
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Grow your greens
They are among winter's most powerful health foods, especially when you grow your own. The nutrient rich veges we call brassicas reach peak flavour when chilly weather causes their sugar content to rise
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Know your onions
Even if you don't have the space to grow your own supply of fat brown bulbs, you need never be without an onion alternative. Its flavour and health benefits abound in a whole family of easily accommodated plants.
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Nine timely tasks for beautiful roses
Rose bushes are some of the longest flowering plants in the garden, blooming from early summer right through until winter. To keep them at their beautiful best, make the most of the winter months to pamper your rose plants as you enjoy the cool crisp weather outdoors.
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Plant a money tree
While we all know money doesn't 'grow on trees', the next best thing may well be to plant a fruit tree. Kate Marshall from Waimea Nurseries looks at the investment opportunity our gardens present us.
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Prune pipfruit in winter
Winter is pruning time for apple and pear trees. Pruning is both a science and an art. There is no right or wrong way, but following some basic principles is the best route to success without stress.
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Rose talk
Winter is rose time. It's a great time to plant new roses and the best time to prune and prepare for peak rose performance during the flowering season.
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Ten steps to growing beautiful roses
When roses drop their leaves for their winter sleep, the ideal planting season has arrived.
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Transplant a shrub or small tree
Sometimes a tree gets planted in the wrong place and it must be moved. The best time to do this is while the tree is dormant and is least likely to suffer water stress, in late autumn, winter or early spring.
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When less is more
As the leaves drop from the trees it's time to reach for the pruning tools.
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Family ties
What do you get when you plant a number of different fruit trees in the same hole? A 'Family Tree' with a super long harvest! This clever idea from Waimea Nurseries is a great way to grow lots of fruit in a town-sized garden.
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Grow grasses for grace and function
Beautiful grasses produce stunning visual effects, whether you plant en masse or weave them into the garden. They're easy too, but the trick, for long-term satisfaction, is to plant the right varieties for your soil and climate.
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Grow moth orchids
Elegant moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) are Europe's most popular indoor plants. The ultimate gift, they can bloom for months on end and last for years.
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Growing hebes
Hebe is New Zealand's most diverse shrub genus, with nearly a hundred different species occurring across our two islands. They're also our most extensively bred and cultivated plants, offering a bewildering choice of cultivars.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow hyacinth bulbs
Autumn and early winter are the best times to plant bulbs. Plant some bubs in pots now and you'll be amazed at the results in spring!
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Go organic
Eight strategies towards a healthy spray-free garden.
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Lay mulch
A mulch is a layer of material spread on the soil surface. Useful in any part of the garden, mulching can save a great deal of time and energy.
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Make compost
A good composting system will consume all your garden debris and food scraps, rewarding you with one of nature's most fundamental allies. Compost feeds your soil, which in turn feeds your plants.
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Sooner or later all container plants need repotting. Some benefit from repotting every year. Others can wait longer, but it's amazing what fresh potting mix can do for a worn-out houseplant, tree or shrub
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Upward trends - create a vertical garden
When ground space gets scare, gardens go vertical!
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Waste not, want not
Taking care of a precious resource
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