How To - Summer Gardening

Grow your own super food. Blueberries are very high in antioxidants and vitamins.
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Grow your best ever roses
Getting the best from your roses starts at the beginning, with choosing the right varieties and planting them with the best possible care.
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Create beautiful hanging baskets
Jenny & Guy Oakley's garden is one of Taranaki's finest and a highlight of the Taranaki Garden Festival. Jenny's glorious baskets, suspended from trees and pergolas, are complete works of art in themselves.
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Grow beautiful tomatoes
To grow beautiful tomatoes you will need - warm sunny weather, good clean soil (or planting mix), seeds or seedlings, stakes, tomato food and water
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Grow greens to go
Eat Your Greens! Here we explore the delights of growing a constant supply of fresh healthy greens to feed the family - 365 days of the year.
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Create easy baskets
Hanging baskets are a joy to plant and bring colour to eye level. Planted properly they'll keep on blooming right though summer and autumn
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Easy to grow summer berries
Luscious berries are for many a luxury purchased at the supermarket, but growing berries in your own garden is easier than you think. No matter what size your property, there is a berry option for you to grow your own.
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Grow beans
There are all sorts of beans, both annual (a one season life span) and perennial (lasting many seasons).
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Grow capsicums and chillies
Early summer is the time to plant sweet peppers and hot peppers. They're fun to grow with so many different colours, shapes and sizes to choose from.
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How to grow cucurbits
Cucurbits include cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, watermelon and rockmelon. These plants enjoy similar growing conditions and are easy to grow and highly productive in the home garden.
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Save water
Sally Brown from Blueskin Nurseries in Dunedin has some tips to save water in light of the weather extremes New Zealand is experiencing.
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Summer fruit
Plant a range of fruiting plants to keep the family fruit bowl full all summer
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Waste not, want not
Taking care of a precious resource
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