Battle the bugs As summer warms up, bugs get busy. Protecting our plants is a multi-pronged approach, and in the battle against bugs, it's best to act before the damage is done. Awareness and early intervention are key if we are to stay on top of pest populations. ... read more
Care for tomatoes At planting time, sturdy young tomato plants show no sign of trouble ahead but wise gardeners are on watch. ... read more
Grow beans There are all sorts of beans, both annual (a one season life span) and perennial (lasting many seasons). ... read more
Grow capsicums and chillies Early summer is the time to plant sweet peppers and hot peppers. They're fun to grow with so many different colours, shapes and sizes to choose from. ... read more
Grow sweet corn The sweetest corn of all is the one picked from your own garden. November is the best time to plant corn. ... read more
How to grow cucurbits Cucurbits include cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, watermelon and rockmelon. These plants enjoy similar growing conditions and are easy to grow and highly productive in the home garden. ... read more
Brassica massacre Most of us happily shrug off the odd hole in a home grown cabbage leaf, but serving poached caterpillars with the broccoli gets beyond a joke! White butterfly and the smaller diamond back moth are two major pests of brassica crops in warmer months. ... read more
Grow hearty winter vegetables The key to successful winter harvests is early autumn planting so young plants can make the most of the soils warmth to get growth well established before winter cold sets in. ... read more
Grow root vegetables Once you've sampled the earthy sweetness of carrots and parsnips from your own garden, the shop bought ones may never taste the same. ... read more
How to grow a 'green manure' crop At the end of summer, if you have nothing planned for your vege space, sow a green manure crop. ... read more
Grow early veges and strawberries The most delicious vegetables of all are those whose season is short. And the shorter the delay from garden to plate, the more divine they will taste - which means there's no better way than growing your own. It's time to plant now! ... read more
Grow peas Peas are favourite winter grown crops and especially fun for kids who are usually delighted to discover that peas actually come from little green packages call pods, not just frozen in plastic bags. ... read more
Grow silverbeet Humble hero - the virtues of a great kiwi standby. ... read more
Grow your greens They are among winter's most powerful health foods, especially when you grow your own. The nutrient rich veges we call brassicas reach peak flavour when chilly weather causes their sugar content to rise ... read more
Know your onions Even if you don't have the space to grow your own supply of fat brown bulbs, you need never be without an onion alternative. Its flavour and health benefits abound in a whole family of easily accommodated plants. ... read more
Grow beautiful tomatoes To grow beautiful tomatoes you will need - warm sunny weather, good clean soil (or planting mix), seeds or seedlings, stakes, tomato food and water ... read more
Grow broccoli Spring and autumn are the seasons to be planting the queen of the brassicas, broccoli. ... read more
Grow cabbage Eating lots of cabbage - and other brassicas, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cavolo nero, kale and Chinese greens - helps keep us 'regular' and reduces our risk of cancer. ... read more
Grow crops in pots Who doesn't love the idea of eating fresh homegrown fruit and vegetables every day? Anyone can make it happen, even when there's no dirt to dig. If your outdoors is tiny or temporary (or if the prospect of digging is putting you off getting started) growing crops in pots is the way to go, especially in winter. ... read more
Grow easy salads from seed Leafy greens are among the healthiest foods we could eat. They are also the easiest food to grow. ... read more
Grow greens to go Eat Your Greens! Here we explore the delights of growing a constant supply of fresh healthy greens to feed the family - 365 days of the year. ... read more
Grow parsnips Growing perfect parsnips is all about preparation, precision and patience. Sue Linn learns some time-honoured tricks. ... read more
Grow potatoes As rising food prices and the desire to eat healthier food have many of us turning back to the vege patch, the humble but highly nutritious potato is one of the easiest crops we can grow. ... read more
Grow pumpkins Pumpkin is a 'super food', rich in life enhancing nutrients, particularly potassium. Growing pumpkins takes more space than most vegetables, but if you have the space, it's straightforward and very satisfying. ... read more
Potatoes - an early crop A sunny patch of soil, a tub, a bucket or a sack is all you need to grow a satisfying crop of potatoes to harvest in time for Christmas. Planted in mid-winter, they may be ready to eat as early as October or November. ... read more
Small space gardening How to grow more taste in less space ... read more
Upward trends - create a vertical garden When ground space gets scare, gardens go vertical! ... read more