Inspiration from Bronwyn and Neil Towersey’s spring garden …
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Combine ‘fluffy’ flowers with bold flowers of the same colour. Bronwyn combines white Zantedeschia (planted as bulbs in spring) with Orlaya grandiflora, which she grows from seed. |
2 | Dwarf dahlias can be planted as tubers or grown form seed. In a choice of cheerful colours, they make great accents among smaller flowers and provide plenty for the vase. |
3 | Purple foliage trees like Cersis ‘Forest Pansy’ looks magical amongst green. Be sure to plant mainly green foliage with red or purple as accents. |
4 | Japanese maples look stunning near water. Their foliage is colourful in spring and autumn. Plant maples where they have protection from strong wind. |
5 | Chartreuse is a great ‘connecting colour’ which complement most other colours in the garden. Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis) is a great edge plant. Morning dew sits like jewels on its velvet textured leaves. |
6 | With attractive lacy leaves and pretty flowers in spring, Tiarella makes an easy path edge or ground cover. Being drought tolerant, it partners well with succulents like Echeveria |
7 | In shady areas, big leaf plants and white flowers help to bounce the light around. Ppurple Ligularia Britt-Marie Crawford, looks splendid in the company of oak leaf hydrangea and a fragrant white rhododendron. Later in summer the lovely greenish white hydrangea flowers take over from the spring rhododendrons |
8 | Be sure to include some ‘vertical’ accent flowers like pink lupins and blue campanulas. |
White Calla lilies and Orlaya grandiflora
Japanese maple
Alchemilla mollis 'Lady's mantle'
Tiarella with Echeveria
Ligularia with oak leaf hydrangea and rhododendron
Pink lupins and blue campanulas