In the Garden - Winter Gardening

Beauty and abundance
Spring blossom, dappled shade, summer fruit, autumn colour and elegant form - the trees we know as Prunus have lots to offer.
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Container culture
When your outdoor space is tiny or temporary, container gardening is a great way to grow. Even for those with dirt to dig, planting a few edibles in pots makes good sense when it's cold and wet out there
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Kids Go Gardening - berri-licious
Home grown strawberries always taste better and they will grow in the garden, pots, hanging baskets or to save space, a strawberry tower. Plant them now to be picking fruit in November.
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Life inside - success with houseplants
Connecting with nature doesn't just happen outside. More and more of us are discovering and rediscovering the simple joy of co-habiting with plants.
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Plant swan plant seeds early
This time of year is a great time to sow swan plant or milkweed seeds. There is still enough heat to encourage germination and your plants will have a chance to reach a reasonable size before the cold weather slows them down.
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The joy of roses
To pick a bunch of fragrant roses from your own garden is one of summer's greatest pleasures, the reward for any effort put in over winter.
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Changing seasons
When the calendar turns to March, autumn has officially arrived and it's the exciting beginning of a brand new planting season.
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9 reasons to plant roses
Who can resist a beautiful rose? Their sheer beauty is reason enough to plant more of them. But roses are functional too with something for every purpose. It's time to plant them now.
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Beat the chill
Whether you live in the subtropical north, the snowy south or somewhere in between, planting a garden with winter in mind can turn the chilly season into a time of great delight.
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Bringing nature indoors
Along with the retro revival of all things mid-century, houseplants are making a big comeback in fashionable living spaces worldwide. This all bodes well for happy, healthy homes
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Citrus - winter's golden glow
A citrus tree in the garden is a beautiful thing, offering not only colourful fruit but fragrant blossoms too, and attractive foliage throughout the year.
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Cool colour in containers
When shorter days mean less time outside it makes sense to bring nature closer, making the most of potted plants in and around the home.
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Cool weather classics
If you want something that lasts longer than a bunch of cut flowers, you can't beat a beautiful flowering cyclamen for the cooler months of the year.
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Dream flowers
The world's most romantic bloom deserves a spot in every garden. Whether you want to grow a single variety for picking, or make them your main event, there is always a way to make room for roses.
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Feathered friends
Sitting quietly outdoors in a favourite spot is made extra special when wildlife comes visiting. During winter, birds usual supply of food from trees can be in short supply, so supplementary feeding is a great way to encourage them to stay around.
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Food for free
An initial investment in your garden and keeping on top of seasonal tasks can lead to many years of free food in abundance from your own back yard.
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Planning a backyard orchard
Fruit picked from your own backyard is the freshest and healthiest of all, saving money on groceries while providing convenient, safe and seasonal food.
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Precious vessels
Whether you want a colourful makeover or to grow your own food, container gardening makes sense on many levels, especially in winter.
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Pride of the patch
Cabbages can be grown 365 days of the year, but they are particularly rewarding in winter when the cooler temperatures turn them sweeter than ever.
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Super fruit
Late autumn and winter is planting time for a wide range of fruit trees and bushes, espcecially deciduous ones which are best planted while they're dormant. If you fancy boosting your backyard harvest, now is the time to get planting.
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Ten reasons to plant trees
On Arbor Day in June, New Zealanders are encouraged to plant and care for trees. Celebrate by getting involved in a community planting project or planting a tree of your own.
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The 3 P's for quick winter colour
Flowering annuals are especially valuable over the cooler months of the year, bringing cheerful colour when there are few other flowers around.
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The fruitful garden
A well planned and maintained fruit garden can be a fantastic asset, saving money spent on groceries while providing convenient, safe and healthy seasonal food.
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The Seven Dwarves
The joy of home grown fruit isn't just for big backyards thanks to today's dwarf fruit trees. When renting restricts us to gardening in moveable pots, dwarf fruit varieties tick that box too.
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Winter charm
Whether it's the view from your living room or a vase filled with flowers from your garden, winter is never dull when you plant some of these beauties.
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Winter rose care
Roses that are well cared for in winter will reward you with splendid blooms in spring and summer. Focus this season on the four 'P's, prepare, purchase, plant and prune.
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Winter warmers
10 active tasks to keep the blood flowing and the garden growing.
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Perfect partners
Gifting for gardeners in winter time isn't as hard as you might think. Beautiful hellebores work well as an indoor plant which can then be planted out in the garden. Teamed up with a stylish elho® pot, this is an environmentally friendly gift any gardener would treasure.
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Kids Go Gardening - fun with flowers
Lucky for us, some flowers love winter. So wrap up warm and plant some pots with colours that will put a smile on your face every day.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow garlic
Plant some little cloves in winter and you will be harvesting your very own super crop in summer.
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Kids Go Gardening - grow your own potatoes
The most delicious potatoes of all are the ones you dig from your own garden! No dirt to dig? No worries, potatoes are easy to grow in containers!
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Wild bird wellness
As winter sets in, trees and shrubs go dormant for the season, biding their time until spring arrives. That means a reduction of food sources like nectar, berries and insects for our wild bird friends.
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The nature garden
Plant trees and shrubs that provide food and lodgings for birds so you can enjoy them in your garden.
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