In the Garden - Pests & Diseases

Up close with aphids
If you grow vegetables, roses, dahlias, citrus, or other fruit trees you will have aphids in your garden. As soon as the weather warms and your plants flush into succulent spring growth, aphids are ready.
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Battling against bugs
Summer's warm humid conditions are great for plants but also for their foes, both diseases and pests in all their forms.
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Neonicotinoid insecticides - discussion
The neonicotinoid group of insecticides have come under scrutiny recently because while not toxic to bees, they appear to cause problems with bee function.
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Know thy enemy
Sue Linn wages war on a tiny terror - the tomato potato psyllid (TPP)
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Book - Garden Pest & Disease Control
With fewer options on the garden centre shelves for controlling pests and diseases, this book provides solutions for the home gardener by focusing on 'integrated control' using all the tools available.
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Pest watch
Slugs and snails must the most despicable garden pests. Sarah O'Neil considers her options.
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